If you’re a parent, then you know how wonderful kids can be, but sometimes, they do things that really push your buttons. Other times, you’re pulling your hair trying to figure out how to keep them safe from the world. So, we’ve come up with a couple of useful parenting hacks that will help you cope with even the most serious kid-related issues.
Protect Their Ears

So, you want to go to a heavy metal concert but can’t find a babysitter? No biggie! Do what this dad did and put some heavy-duty earmuffs on your kid to protect their eardrums. If you have long hair
Baby Isn’t Falling Asleep? Try Filling a Glove With Beans

This is the perfect homemade trick for those nights when your little one is simply insufferable. You just have to fill a glove with beans, place it on their back, and voila! Your baby will feel all the love while mommy and daddy try to get some much-needed ZZZs.
Keep Your Kid Busy

A toddler on idle mode can lead to mayhem and trouble, which is the last thing you need. Keep them busy by giving them a brush with a bucket of water and ask them to paint the fence in the yard. This keeps them out of trouble and out of your hair in case you need to take a long bathroom break.
Let Them Paint Inside A Cardboard Box

Here’s another crafty way for your baby to get crafty for a few hours! Let them explore their creativity inside an empty box, and then close the lid for a few hours and seal it with Scotch tape. Voila! We’re of course 100% kidding! Not only will your kid have a blast by playing around inside a cardboard box, but it’ll also teach them some boundaries: it’s okay to doodle, finger paint, and make a whole mess as long as they only do it inside the box!
Stop Car Fighting

Don’t get mad If your kids fight all the time. Anger only leads to wrinkles, and we all know how expensive a facelift can get! Just take a deep breath and separate them! Sometimes you have to create a few barriers to maintain
Turn a Crib Into a Workstation

Here’s a nifty idea! As your kid grows, their crib can be turned into a workspace area or craft shop where they can draw, write, and let their imagination run wild. Plus, let’s face it, it’s not like you were going to make a ton of money selling an used crib on Facebook’s Marketplace, right? The surface can even get turned into a chalkboard, which is perfect if you want to teach them math and spelling before they start school.
Put Medicine In A Pepsi Can

Ah! How we enjoy tricking these little bastards! Make the best of it while they’re still young! It can be a real pain in the you-know-what to try to get your kids to take their medicine when they’re sick. But this hack allows you to fool your child into thinking they’re sipping Pepsi when they’re really taking their meds. Don’t feel guilty. There’s nothing wrong with a little white lie, as long as you don’t get caught, right?
Place Stickers Inside Their Shoes To Help Them Put Them On Correctly

Find a sticker that’s pretty resistant, or let them choose one they truly like. Now you’re going to have to cut it in half. Place each half inside your child’s shoes. That way, they’ll be able to put them on the right foot all by themselves, which will leave them feeling accomplished, (and let’s face it, it’ll get them off your back for a few minutes!)
Hide Treats Inside A Frozen Bean Bag

If you’re sick and tired of your kids spoiling their dinner with too much candy, then this hack will help! Instead of throwing away that empty bag of soybeans, use it to hide all your mini Snickers bars in the freezer. Trust us, no kid would ever go anywhere near a veggie bag. It’s like Kryptonite for children and a great hiding spot for your candy stash.
Keep The Sand Out At The Beach

Next time you take your kid to the beach, use a fitted sheet and place bags on each corner. You’ll give them a play pen that’ll keep the sand out. That way your little beach bum can experience the joys of the beach without eating sand or anything else they find.